
“Where the candidate get the job they want and the hiring manager get the employee they need.”

Cost-Savings      |      Allocating Resources      |      Optimizing Performance

OLIVIA L BELL Consulting provides end-to-end professional solutions in healthcare and clinical operations including roles in practice management, revenue cycle, regulatory affairs, risk management, research, development, sales and marketing.

An Experienced And Diverse Talent Pool To Choose From

Due to the workforce shortage in healthcare, we help hiring managers find top tier talent in a hard-to-find marketplace. OLIVIA L BELL Consulting takes the burden out of sourcing so that you have time to contribute to your company’s operational success and growth.

Let’s Schedule A Time To Talk

Why you should work with us

Five reasons why you should work with us

Healthcare & Clinical Operations

Professional Solutions

Partnering with decision-makers who seek top-tier talent for openings in healthcare and clinical operations.

Offering ease and comfort throughout the hiring process by connecting hiring managers to professionals with industry specific experience.

Your Success is Our Concern.

As an expert in healthcare operations solutions, our first priority is to have a conversation where we take the time to address your concerns, gather the requirements and execute a well thought out process in order to reach top-tier talent.


OLIVIA L BELL is a Minority and Woman-Owned Small Business.

Recruiting & Staffing

Find the perfect staff that will fill the void in your company.

Resume & Career Coaching

Update your resume, present yourself well in an interview.


 We offer recruiting, sourcing & onboarding to the government.

The "Great Resignation"

 This has caused a shortage of workforce labor. Many people are taking a break from working due to burnout and have found that they want a role that offers a balance between work and life. We already know that the longer a position goes unfilled, the more the company suffers. Let us help you gather the required candidates with the skills you need in order to satisfy your staffing needs.



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A Flexible Workforce

A new workforce that has started of people who are seeking the work, life and balance. More candidates seek flexibility of hybrid or remote work, they want to have the freedom to spend quality time with their families. Job-Seekers say that they are less stressed and more productive due to the new way of work. Many of us will agree that the daily commute reduces delays in getting to work on-time and cuts down on costly gas expenses.

Job-Seekers have said, that they no longer want to stay in positions that no longer allow them to use their full set of skills. They seek positions that encourages diversity and inclusions. They want employers that recognize and promote the contributions that they add to the overall growth and change of the team or organization.

More hiring managers are finding that they need employees with strong business acumen, critical thinking skills, and also have a rare specialty in a specific field. A niche solutions healthcare operations company can help you find your right candidate – candidates that possess the requirements specific to your hiring needs.

All relationships start with a conversation. If you are a potential new client, looking for new candidates to hire for your organization, let’s chat.

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Balance. Change. Innovation.

Why you should work with us

Change is not always bad. It brings out new developments in business, solves issues within productivity, marketing and sales,  Time brings about a change and change has a way of offering solutions.  I am a true believer that change is good and it always creates new ideas, new processes, frameworks, systems, policies the aftermath helps us to realize that change has shown us that new ways of operations has to take place. How could we ever know that things are out of alignment if there’s nothing to compare it too?

6 reasons you should work with us:
  1. Hire a recruiter that is specialized in the role(s) you are hiring.  A niche recruiter in Healthcare Operations may have a large number of qualified leads with skills that you seek. 
  2. They will have already established a business relationship with the candidate and has agreed to let the recruiter submit them exclusively for specific positions.  
  3. The recruiter has the know-how to take transferrable skills and match to experience of the role.   

  4. She/He knows the questions to ask to determine if the candidate has experience.  She/He can provide a skills match, DISC assessment if the candidate would be a good fit.   

  5. Can identify your recruitment needs, provide a candidate assessment, client hiring process and more.

  6. We move forward with a plan custom to your hiring needs with qualified candidates that leads to new hires.